Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sounds of music in Artclub

I'm so excited about my new art club group. This was our 3rd week, and our first project is in full swing. After learning a thing or two with my first group in the Fall, I decided to make our sessions more structured. We have snack, and then there is a sketchbook challenge for the kids to do while they wait for everyone to finish or for me to get things set up. The sketchbooks were made in our first class and the kids can add any additional drawings or writings they wish. We also made a list of themes to explore in artclub, and the first one they chose was music. Simple changes like this ( more structure and theme-exploration instead of material exploration), not to mention a calmer, more focused group, have changed my whole feeling about Tuesdays.
Each child selected a favorite instrument to draw as a big poster. We found google images of the instruments for inspiration and cheated by projecting and tracing the outlines (Is it cheating or using a tool?). We played with scale and composition so that even if 2 students shared an image they would still look different. Then they traced over their lines with sharpie so that when we paint they don't lose their drawing. I challenged them to add something to the background to represent sound- of course most of them chose music notes. Since our papers are so big, only 2 people could really work at a table at a time comfortably, so we sprawled out around the floor on carpets. I love how relaxed and true-art studio the room felt when they did this. Working in my little room with just 15 kids is sooooo nice.

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